Friday, December 28, 2007

Who Knew That The Bush Administration Was So Politically Correct? Actually, When It Comes to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, We All Know.

The Bush administration is so darn politically correct that it can't even bring itself to use the word "illegal" in a Census Bureau press release dated December 27. The population of the US is expanding, you see, way in excess of legal immigration, but the Census Bureau, an arm of the Department of Commerce, doesn't want to notice.

Here's the key sentence:

Meanwhile, net international migration is expected to add one person every 30 seconds. The result is an increase in the total U.S. population of one person every 13 seconds.

Got that? No mention of the word "illegal" in there. Illegality--violating American Sovereignty--is just not a concept that registers on this federal government of ours.

And you wonder why the Bush administration is so uninterested in dealing with illegal immigration? Answer: Because the Bush administration doesn't even recognize it as a problem!

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